Assistant Librarian Job Test MCQ's Solved Paper

Q No 1. First generation computer uses ?

(A) Microprocessor
(B) Transistors
(C) Integrated circuits
(D) Thermionic valves or vacuum tube or electronic valves
Answer: D. Thermionic valves or vacuum tube or electronic valves

Q No 2. Second generation computer uses ?

(A) Thermionic valves or vacuum tube or electronic valves
(B) Microprocessor
(C) Integrated circuits
(D) Transistors
Answer: D. Transistors

Q No 3. Third generation computer uses ?

(A) Microprocessor
(B) Transistors
(C) Integrated circuits
(D) Thermionic valves or vacuum tube or electronic valves
Answer: C. Integrated circuits

Q No 4. Fourth generation computer uses ?

(A) Microprocessor
(B) Thermionic valves or vacuum tube or electronic valves
(C) Transistors
(D) Integrated circuits
Answer: A. Microprocessor

Q No 5. An Invisible college is a typical example of ?

(A) Informal channels of communication
(B) Formal channels of communication
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer: A. Informal channels of communication

Q No 6. The term hyper text was coined by ?

(A) Ted Nelson
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) Tim Berner Lee
(D) Tay Vaughan
Answer: A. Ted Nelson

Q No 7. The simple Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) consists of ?

(A) 10 elements
(B) 15 elements
(C) 14 elements
(D) 18 elements
Answer: B. 15 elements

Q No 8. ISBN consists of ?

(A) 6 digits
(B) 8 digits
(C) 13 digits
(D) 15 digits
Answer: C. 13 digits

Q No 9. ISBN changed from 10 digits to 13 from ?

(A) January, 2007
(B) January, 2008
(C) January, 2006
(D) January, 2005
Answer: A. January, 2007

Q No 10. What is Dublin Core ?

(A) Content management tool
(B) E- Library software
(C) Metadata standard
(D) Internet Protocol
Answer: C. Metadata standard

Q No 11. Hybrid library deals with ?

(A) Print Collection
(B) Digital Collection
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer: C. Both (A) and (B)

Q No 12. The standard size of a cataloger card is ?

(A) 12.5 cm X 7.5 cm
(B) 12 cm X 7 cm
(C) 11 cm X 5 cm
(D) 10 cm X 4 cm
Answer: A. 12.5 cm X 7.5 cm

Q No 13. Who invented World Wide Web (WWW) ?

(A) Vint Cerf
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) Tim Berners-Lee
(D) Steve Jobs
Answer: C. Tim Berners-Lee

Q No 14. The standard size of a cataloger card is ?

(A) 5 inch X 3 inch
(B) 4 inch X 3 inch
(C) 4 inch X 4 inch
(D) 3 inch X 3 inch
Answer: A. 5 inch X 3 inch

Q No 15. Which of the following is an Open Source Software ?

(A) E-Granthalaya
(B) SOUL 2.0
(C) Koha
(D) LibSys 7
Answer: C. Koha

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